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Rachel Stohl

1 Stohl
Fall 1997 Fellow
British American Security Information Council
1 Stohl
Fall 1997 Fellow
British American Security Information Council

Major Fellowship Activities: Stohl focused on surplus weapons in Central America, and tracked the flow of ammunition to the region.  The research resulted in a paper entitled Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Light Weapons Destruction in Central America which she co-wrote.  She also covered the U.N. First Committee on disarmament by attending its meetings in New York in preparation for an article in a BASIC Reports on the results of the Committee (First Committee Debates Small Arms and Transparency in Armaments).  Finally, she wrote a 42-page report on Deadly Rounds: Ammunition and Armed Conflict focusing on ammunition in handguns, rifles and machine guns.

Current Activities: Stohl is Senior Vice President of Research Programs and previously Managing Director of the Stimson Center and was formerly a Senior Associate with Stimson’s Managing Across Boundaries initiative. Her areas of expertise focus on issues relating to the international arms trade, including small arms and light weapons, as well as children and armed conflict.

Prior to joining Stimson she was an Associate Fellow at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, from 2009-2011. She was a senior analyst at the Center for Defense Information in Washington, D.C from 1998-2009. Stohl has also been a consultant for many international organizations, including Oxfam, Project Ploughshares, SIPRI, the Small Arms Survey, and World Vision. She served as a Scoville Fellow at the British American Security Information Council in D.C. and worked at the United Nations Center for Disarmament Affairs in New York and at the Program for Arms Control, Disarmament, and Conversion in Monterey, CA. Stohl has also been an adjunct professor at Georgetown University.

Stohl was the consultant to the UN Arms Trade Treaty process that adopted the landmark Arsm Trade Treaty in April 2013. She was previously the consultant to the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in 2008 and the UN Register for Conventional Arms in 2009.

Stohl is co-author of two books, The International Arms Trade (Polity Press, 2009) and The Beginners Guide to the Small Arms Trade (Oneworld Publishing, 2009). She has appeared in numerous documentaries, including “Making a Killing: Inside the International Arms Trade,” available on the DVD of the feature film Lord of War.