Major Fellowship Activities: Lopez helped prepare a short report on the status of Lithuanian export control legislation. He worked in the CNS Field Project, where he scheduled a field visit for the late William Colby, former Director of Central Intelligence, to go to Portland, Oregon and speak about the defense budget and other relevant foreign policy issues.
He also helped coordinate the National Security Syndicate, a syndicated op-ed service that seeks to expand public debate on national security issues through the placement of op-eds in national newspapers. In this capacity, he devised a system to distribute op-eds with the greatest efficiency. Lopez became the editorial contact for many of the newspapers, contacting the Op-Ed Page Editors of these papers and discussing the individual pieces with them. He edited many of the pieces, and was active in deciding which issues should be addressed and when they should be sent.
Current Activities: Lopez is President of Michael J Lopez Consulting, which helps individuals, teams, and organizations transform. He is on the National Leadership Council of Positive Coaching Alliance. He was formerly a Managing Director at KPMG, where he led large-scale transformation projects for some of the world’s largest companies. Previously, he was a Managing Director at Ernst & Young and worked as an innovation and strategy director for a global technology company where he was responsible for driving innovation performance and strategy development, strategic market analysis, and business planning & analysis. He contributed to identifying and capturing strategic business opportunities as well as driving implementation of related strategic initiatives while working with key business leaders through the organization. He was previously a Senior Associate with Booz Allen Hamilton in California, where he led Booz Allen’s economic and financial services business in the greater Los Angeles region.
I found the Scoville experience invaluable. Over the course of my six months, the countless advantages of the Scoville Fellowship have been revealed to me….The Scoville Fellowship has given me an occasion to grow as a practitioner in the field of arms control…Moreover, it has given me an opportunity to work in Washington, DC, a city that not only has a wealth of political venues that one can explore, but also offers a variety of educational and cultural activities that have complemented my work as a Scoville Fellow…The opportunities and the experience that the Fellowship has provided me will undoubtedly be the foundation on which my career in either politics or business will be based… Entering a professional field is often a difficult and stressful process; the Fellowship has smoothed that transition for me considerably. I will continue to be a participant in the fellowship and a supporter of its program.