Major Fellowship Activities: Turner focused on Russian plutonium production reactors and the Department of Energy’s Second Line of Defense program (preventing nuclear smuggling from Russia). She helped Kenneth Luongo research an article entitled “The Uncertain Future of U.S.-Russian Cooperative Security,” which appeared in the January/February 2001 issue of Arms Control Today. She prepared a RANSAC Congressional “Strategic Stability and Security Seminar Series” on Russia’s Nuclear Cooperation with Iran and China. She also prepared a summary of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing on the Department of Energy Nonproliferation Programs with Russia, whose panelists included Howard Baker Jr. and Lloyd Cutler, co-chairs of the Task Force on DOE Nonproliferation Programs with Russia. She worked on three reports for RANSAC publications: one on the Department of Energy’s Second Line of Defense Program; the second on International Cooperative Efforts in Russian National Security; and the final report on DOD efforts to convert the three remaining plutonium reactors (weapons-usable material).
Current Activities: Turner will become Chief of Staff of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Satellite and Information Service. She will provide senior policy and program guidance to senior leaders in NOAA’s Satellite and Information Service, an office that represents 40% of NOAA’s annual budget. She will provide oversight to operations, communications, and engagement with external stakeholders. She was previously Special Advisor in the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She provided program and policy guidance in the areas of satellite and Earth observation to the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere (the NOAA Administrator). She joined NOAA as a Presidential Management Intern where she worked as an International Relations Specialist in the Office of International and Interagency Affairs.