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Daryl Kimball

Daryl Kimball
Fall 1989 Fellow
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Daryl Kimball
Fall 1989 Fellow
Physicians for Social Responsibility

 Kimball is the Executive Director of the Arms Control Association.  Prior to that he was the  Executive Director of the Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers, which was an alliance of 17 leading nuclear non-proliferation and arms control organizations.  He participated in a press conference on the “Implications of the Duma’s Approval of START II” which was published in the May 2000 issue of Arms Control Today.  He wrote “How The U.S. Senate Rejected CTBT Ratification” which appeared in the September/October 1999 issue of Disarmament Diplomacy.  He wrote In Focus: U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy at the End of the Century: Lost Opportunities and New Dangers in the September 1999 issue of Foreign Policy In Focus.  He co-authored Accelerating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty–The Article XIV Special Conference.  He participated in a panel discussion, hosted by the Arms Control Association, on arms control issues in 1999.   He wrote “Holding the CTBT Hostage in the Senate: The ‘Stealth’ Strategy of Helms and Lott” published in the June/July 1998 issue of Arms Control Today.

…Receiving a Fellowship was a turning point in my early career as a professional peace activist. The Fellowship gave me the opportunity and the experience to be a part of the effort to stop weapons production and testing at the United States’ nuclear weapons complex and establish myself in a permanent position at PSR. If it were not for the Scoville Fellowship, I do not believe I would be here in Washington making what contribution I can to the nuclear disarmament cause. Without the Fellowship, many other bright and committed men and women would be unable to gain the experience to develop careers in peace…

Articles by Daryl Kimball