2000 Publications
Articles, Reports, Media Appearances, etc., written or researched by current and former Scoville Fellows in 2000 (Year of Fellowship in parenthesis)
E. Scott Adler (Spring 1989)
•wrote “Constituency Characteristics and the ‘Guardian’ Model of Appropriations Subcommittees, 1959-1998,” American Journal of Political Science, January 2000
•co-wrote “Win, Place and Show: Money and Polls in the 1989 New York City Mayoral Elections,” Urban Affairs Review, March 2000 (with Ester Fuchs and Lincoln Mitchell)
•co-wrote “Measuring the Institutional Performance of Congress in the Post-war Era: Surges and Slumps in the Production of Legislation, 1945-1994,” Legislative Studies Quarterly, May 2000 (with William Howell, Charles Cameron, and Charles Riemann)
Philipp Bleek (Fall 1999)
• wrote “Russia Adopts New Security Concept; Appears to Lower Nuclear Threshold,” Arms Control Today January/February 2000
• wrote “U.S., Russia Negotiate Spent Fuel Reprocessing Moratorium,” Arms Control Today, March 2000
• wrote “U.S., Russia Reassess Reactor Conversion Agreement,” Arms Control Today, March 2000
• wrote “New DOE Nuclear Security Organization Begins Work,” Arms Control Today, April 2000
• wrote “Putin Elected President, Addresses Nuclear Agenda,” Arms Control Today, April 2000
• co-wrote “U.S. Nuclear Missile Shield,” The Los Angeles Times letter to the editor, (with Charles D. Ferguson) April 2, 2000
• wrote “Israel Rebuffs U.S. Demand to Cancel China Arms Deal,” Arms Control Today, May 2000
• wrote “Putin Signs New Military Doctrine, Fleshing Out Security Concept,” Arms Control Today, May 2000
• wrote “Russian Duma Approves Test Ban Treaty,” Arms Control Today, May 2000
• wrote “Russia Ratifies START II, Extension Protocol; ABM-Related Agreements Also Approved,” Arms Control Today, May 2000
• wrote “Joint Chiefs of Staff ‘Uncomfortable’ With START III Reductions Below 2,000-2,500,” Arms Control Today, June 2000
• wrote “Russia Approves Topol-M, Warns Missile Could Defeat U.S. Defense,” Arms Control Today, June 2000
• wrote “Clinton Protects ‘HEU’ Deal Assets,” Arms Control Today, July/August 2000
• wrote “Latest Los Alamos Security Debacle Prompts Hearings on DOE,” Arms Control Today, July/August 2000
• wrote “Plutonium, Early-Warning Accords Advanced at U.S.-Russian Summit,” Arms Control Today, July/August 2000
• wrote “Missile Defense is a Pipe Dream,” The Boston Globe op-ed, August 2, 2000
• wrote “DOE Simulates Nuclear Explosion; GAO Faults Ignition Facility,” Arms Control Today, September 2000
• wrote “Russia Ready to Reduce to 1,500 Warheads, Addressing Dispute Over Strategic Forces’ Fate,” Arms Control Today, September 2000
• wrote “Clinton, Putin Issue ‘Strategic Stability Cooperation Initiative’,” Arms Control Today, October 2000
• wrote “Russia Proposes Energy Initiative,” Arms Control Today, October 2000
• wrote “Defense Bill Bars Unilateral Nuclear Reductions, Orders Posture Review,” Arms Control Today, November 2000
• wrote “Putin Calls for More Nuclear Cuts, Maintenance of ABM Treaty,” Arms Control Today, December 2000
Jeremy Bratt (Fall 2000)
•wrote “Military Spending Adds Up,” The Washington Post letter to the editor, August 15, 2000
•wrote “Passing The Buck On Military Readiness,” The Washington Times letter to the editor, September 23, 2000
• wrote “Military Readiness: Time to Abandon Two-War Strategy,” The Florida Times-Union letter to the editor, September 21, 2000
• appeared on “Conversations with Tom Clark” regarding military funding and readiness, Wisconsin Public Radio, December 22, 2000
Stephanie Broughton (Fall 1999)
• wrote Nuclear News (published by WAND Nuclear Abolition Resolution Project), August 2000
• wrote “WiLL and WAND Members Make Waves for Nuclear Abolition,” WAND Bulletin, Fall 2000
Scott Cantor (Fall 2000)
• provided research for White Paper on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, published by LAWS, Fall 2000
John Feffer (Spring 1988)
• wrote “North Korea Reaches Out,” Foreign Policy in Focus, June 9, 2000
• wrote “It’s Time to End the Korean War, 50 Years Later,” The Progressive Media Project, June 22, 2000
• wrote “Progress on the Korean Peninsula?” Foreign Policy in Focus, December 2000
Chris Gagne (Spring 1999)
• co-edited Economic Cooperation and Regional Security, Stimson Center report, October 2000
Denise Groves (Fall 1999)
• wrote “Rebuilding the Future: Child Soldiers and Sustainable Development,” CDI Monograph, April 2000
• wrote “National Missile Defense: An Issue for the World – But Not for America,” BITS Policy Notes, May 2000
• wrote “National Missile Defense Under Attack,” BITS Policy Notes, June 2000
• wrote “NMD Under Attack,” (Raketenabwehr unter Beschuss) Freitag (a weekly German newspaper), June 16, 2000
• wrote “The True Meaning of Failure,” BITS Policy Notes, July 2000
• co-wrote “Europe’s NMD Dilemma,” Global Beat Syndicate, oped (with Clara Portela-Sais) July 10, 2000
• wrote “Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen,” Freitag, August 11, 2000
• wrote “Child Soldiers and the Transition to Peace,” National Security Studies Quarterly, Autumn 2000
• wrote “The European Union’s Common Foreign, Security, and Defense Policy,” BITS Research Report #3, November 2000
Heather Hamilton (Fall 1995)
• wrote “Attack on the International Criminal Court: The American Servicemember’s Protection Act of 2000,” WFA Action Alert, January 24, 2000
• quoted in “GOP Leadership: War Criminals’ Best Ally,” WFA press release, July 14, 2000
Gaurav Kampani (Spring 1997)
• wrote “CTBT Endgame in South Asia?” CNS Web Report, January 2000
• wrote “How a U.S. National Missile Defense Will Affect South Asia,” Center for Nonproliferation Studies report, June 2000
• wrote “Swords Follow the Shield,” Telegraph, June 8, 2000
• co-wrote “National Missile Defense Threatens Stability in South Asia,” Defense News, July 10, 2000 (with Peter Saracino)
• wrote “The Military Coup in Pakistan – Implications for Nuclear Stability in South Asia,” Asia-Europe Dialogue web site of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, July 23, 2000
• wrote “How and Why China Proliferates Ballistic Missiles to Pakistan,” Rediff on the Net, August 22, 2000
• wrote “Lethal Product Launches,” Telegraph, August 28, 2000
Daryl Kimball (Fall 1989)
• “CTBT: The Way Forward in the United States,” Presentation to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, April 4, 2000
• quoted in “Helms Blasts Clinton on ABM Treaty,” Los Angeles Times, April 27, 2000
• wrote “Implications of the Duma’s Approval of START II,” Arms Control Today, May 2000
• quoted in “Clinton’s Endgame: U.S.-Russia Arms Control Pacts Face Very Long Odds,” Minneapolis Star Tribune, May 1, 2000
• quoted in “Russian Missile Plan Throws U.S. a Curve,” Chicago Tribune, June 10, 2000
• appeared on “NBC Nightly News,” July 8 & 10, 2000
• wrote “The 1999 Senate Debate Over the CTBT,” a chapter in the White Paper on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, published by LAWS, Fall 2000
• quoted in “Bush, Gore in Sync on Nuke Weapons,” Albuquerque Journal, October 22, 2000
• quoted in “Washington is Fixated on Drama in Florida Surrounding Recount,” The Wall Street Journal, November 10, 2000
Loulena Miles (Spring 2000)
• wrote “Common Myths and Facts on the National Ignition Facility,” Alliance for Nuclear Accountability factsheet, June 2000
• wrote “National Ignition Facility,” Alliance for Nuclear Accountability factsheet, June 2000
• wrote “Community Exposure at Department of Energy Sites,” Alliance for Nuclear Accountability factsheet, 2000
Pat Ortmeyer (Fall 1994)
• wrote “WAND Says ‘No to MOX’,” WAND Bulletin, Fall 2000
Edward Palmisano (Spring 2000)
• contributed to Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations, August 21, 2000
Mark Sternman (Fall 1992)
• wrote “Arms Sales to Indonesia,” The Boston Globe Magazine, December 3, 2000
Rachel Stohl (Fall 1997)
• wrote “U.S. Plans Huge Colombian Aid Package,” Weekly Defense Monitor, January 20, 2000
• wrote “International Community Reaches Agreement on Child Soldiers,” Weekly Defense Monitor, January 27, 2000
• wrote “NGO Conference Highlights Small Arms Issue,” Weekly Defense Monitor, February 10, 2000
• wrote “Middle East Remains Attractive Market for U.S. Arms,” Weekly Defense Monitor, February 17, 2000
• wrote “Landmine Treaty Anniversary Passes Without U.S. Action,” Weekly Defense Monitor, March 3, 2000
• wrote “U.N. Hosts First Prepcom for 2001 Small Arms Conference,” Weekly Defense Monitor, March 9, 2000
• wrote “Turkey Looks to U.S. for Attack Helicopters,” Weekly Defense Monitor, March 16, 2000
• wrote “U.N. Report Reveals Sanctions Violators,” Weekly Defense Monitor, March 23, 2000
• wrote “Protecting the Failing State (Part I),” Weekly Defense Monitor, April 20, 2000
• wrote “Protecting the Failing State (Part II),” Weekly Defense Monitor, April 27, 2000
• wrote “Vietnam’s Deadly Legacy,” Weekly Defense Monitor, May 4, 2000
• wrote “Fighting Erupts in Horn of Africa,” Weekly Defense Monitor, May 18, 2000
• wrote “Child Soldier Conference Held in Asia,” Weekly Defense Monitor, May 25, 2000
• wrote “Landmines Remain Issue in Korea,” Weekly Defense Monitor, June 2000
• wrote “U.S. Changes Arms Export Policy,” Weekly Defense Monitor, June 1, 2000
• wrote “Child Soldiering is Worst Form of Child Labor,” Weekly Defense Monitor, June 22, 2000
• wrote “IRA Arms Inspected,” Weekly Defense Monitor, June 29, 2000
• wrote “CDI Applauds Signing of Child Soldiers Treaty,” CDI Press Release, July 6, 2000
• wrote “U.N. Imposes Diamond Ban on Sierra Leone,” Weekly Defense Monitor, July 13, 2000
• wrote “President Signs Child Soldiers Treaty,” Weekly Defense Monitor, July 20, 2000
• wrote “GAO Releases Small Arms Report,” Weekly Defense Monitor, July 27, 2000
• wrote “Exporting American ‘Diplomacy’,” Weekly Defense Monitor, August 10, 2000
• wrote “U.N. Security Council Takes Action on Child Soldiers,” Weekly Defense Monitor, August 17, 2000
• wrote “U.S. Still Number One Arms Exporter,” Weekly Defense Monitor, August 24, 2000
• wrote “Another Missed Opportunity in Africa,” Weekly Defense Monitor, August 31, 2000
• wrote “End-Use Monitoring Program in Shambles,” Weekly Defense Monitor, September 8, 2000
• wrote “Canada Hosts Conference on War-Affected Children,” Weekly Defense Monitor, September 28, 2000
• wrote “Positive Steps, But Landmines Remain Major Issue,” Weekly Defense Monitor, October 5, 2000
• wrote “Diamonds are Forever,” Weekly Defense Monitor, October 12, 2000
• wrote “Arms Trade Ups and Downs,” Weekly Defense Monitor, November 2, 2000
• wrote “A Day for All Veterans,” Weekly Defense Monitor, November 9, 2000
• wrote “U.S. Dominance in Arms Sales Unchallenged,” Weekly Defense Monitor, November 16, 2000
• wrote “U.N. Releases Report on Small Arms Destruction,” Weekly Defense Monitor, November 30, 2000
• wrote “Signing the Ottawa Treaty,” Weekly Defense Monitor, December 7, 2000
Loung Ung (Spring 1997 )
• wrote First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers, published by Harpercollins, February 2000
Luke Warren (Spring 1997)
• wrote “Bradley Supports Ottawa Treaty Banning Landmines,” Arms Trade Insider, January 7, 2000
• wrote “Crack Appears in U.S.-Colombian Drug War,” Arms Trade Insider, February 7, 2000
• appeared on CNN regarding U.S. arms sales to Africa, February 16, 2000
• wrote “African Summit, African Arms,” Arms Trade Insider, February 22, 2000
• wrote “Sale of F-16s to Arab Emirates has Some Serious Drawbacks,” Fort Worth Star Telegram op-ed, March 14, 2000
• quoted in “U.S. To Sell F-16 More Advanced Than Its Own,” Reuters, March 14, 2000
• wrote “More Than Meets the Eye: F-16 Sale Precursor to Establishing U.S. Bases in UAE,” Arms Trade Insider, March 21, 1999
• wrote “Jet Sale Is No Win-Win,” Baltimore Sun, op-ed March 29, 2000
• wrote “Pentagon Buys Israeli Silence,” Arms Trade Insider, May 15, 2000
• quoted in “U.S. Will Relax Arms Sale Curbs: Allies to Gain Greater Access.” Washington Post, May 24, 2000
• quoted in “Three Snafus Blamed in Failure of Key Defense Missile Test; Military: Supporters Call Problems Routine, but Foes Disagree. Clinton is Asked to Reconsider Deployment,” The Los Angeles Times, July 9, 2000
• wrote “Money or Peace? For the EU the Answer is Simple,” Arms Trade Insider, July 10, 2000
• wrote “Sea-based ABM: Not Quick, Easy or Cheap,” Norfolk Virginian Pilot letter to the editor, September 23, 2000
• appeared on American Investigator’s “National Missile Defense” nationally syndicated TV program, October 2000
• wrote “Russia’s Arms Sales Pale Next to U.S.’s,” Christian Science Monitor letter to the editor, December 7, 2000
• wrote “It’s Alive!: State Department Arms Licenses Reach a Record $53.7 Billion,” Arms Trade Insider, December 15, 2000
• wrote “Shoot Down the V-22,” Baltimore Sun op-ed, December 26, 2000
Hisham Zerriffi (Fall 1995)
• wrote “Comments of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research on the Department of Energy Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Facility RCRA and TSCA Permit,” February 7, 2000
• co-wrote Nuclear Alchemy Gamble: An Assessment of Transmutation as a Nuclear Waste Management Strategy, IEER Technical Report (with Annie Makhijani), May 2000
• co-wrote “Forgotten Exposures: Worker Doses at Three Nuclear Materials Processing Plants in the 1940s and 1950s,” (with Arjun Makhijani and Bernd Franke), Science for Democratic Action, December 2000