The Arms Control Association is an independent, nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament policies for the world’s most dangerous weapons. The Association’s comprehensive coverage in the journal Arms Control Today, authoritative research and analysis, and strong presence in the national media positions the Arms Control Association to make a significant impact in delivering vital information to key policy-makers, the media, and the public. The Arms Control Association focuses primarily on nuclear arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament issues, but also plays an important role in policy related to chemical, biological, and conventional arms control.
A Scoville Fellow will join the Arms Control Association’s policy team and contribute to the organization’s research, analysis, and publications, including writing for Arms Control Today, issue-specific monthly online newsletters, and issue briefs for distribution to policy-makers and journalists. In addition, the fellow will also support the Association’s substantial media outreach efforts to shape the policy narrative through publishing op-eds and assisting in rapid response communications. Fellows are supervised directly by one of our two senior policy directors, both of whom are former Scoville Fellows.
In 2011, the MacArthur Foundation described the Arms Control Association as an “exceptional organization that effectively addresses pressing national and international challenges with an impact that is disproportionate to its small size.”