Major Fellowship Activities: Huntington focused on the Cooperative Threat Reduction program, the proposed U.S.-India nuclear cooperation agreement, and the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. He wrote several articles for Arms Control Today including “Threat Reduction Program Extends Reach to Ukrainian Biological Facilities,” “Brazilian Regulator Denies Uranium Claims,” “Czech Uranium Removed,” “Congress Boosts Threat Reduction Funding,” “Congress Amends Iran Nonproliferation Act,” “President Gains Permanent CTR Waiver Power,” “Bush Plans Changes in Threat Programs,” “France, Libya Agree to Nuclear Cooperation,” “U.S. , Libya to Restore Full Diplomatic Relations,” and “Indo-Pakistani Talks Advance.” He and Miles Pomper interviewed Odair Goncalves, the president of Brazil’s Nuclear Energy Commission, and published the interview in ACT. Huntington wrote a news-analysis piece about the interview and related recent news events entitled “Brazilian Regulator Denies Uranium Claims.” He also compiled and maintained the Arms Control Association resource page on the U.S.-India nuclear cooperation deal.
Current Activities: Huntington was a Legislative Assistant in the office of Rep. Ed Markey. His portfolio included defense, foreign policy, arms control and nonproliferation, intelligence, international trade, and taxes. He was also Executive Director of the House Bipartisan Task Force on Nonproliferation, which organized events for Members and staff on various nonproliferation issues. In 2008, among other events, it sponsored talks on Iran, the Russia 123 Agreement, the India 123 Agreement, and a presentation by Rogelio Pfirter, the Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.