Stubbs is a stay-at-home mother to three children, ages 14, 11, and 4. She is also working on the early stages of a project to design and build a community of energy-efficient, healthy, “green” homes. This will promote peace by allowing people to rely on locally available energy sources and thereby decrease dependence on foreign oil.
…My experience as a Scoville Fellow was a valuable part of my career transition. After two years of working as an engineer for a large corporation, I was searching for a concrete way to use my technical skills in support of arms control and environmental issues. [At PSR] I was able to use my technical skills to expose linkages between nuclear weapons production and environmental destruction. The Fellowship enabled me to develop a unique insight into effective methods of influencing policy. After my Fellowship, I continued to apply my skills to arms control issues as a Staff Engineer at the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research.