Major Fellowship Activities: Velasquez wrote a briefing paper on the election of the U.N. Secretary-General, titled “The U.N. Secretary-General Election: Multilateralism or Power Politics?”, which examined the controversy over Boutros-Ghali’s bid for re-election, the selection process in general, the U.S.’s position on and role in the selection process, and WFA’s position on the issue. She wrote an article examining the views expressed in the national platforms of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party with respect to current and future U.S.-U.N. relations titled “Defining the U.S.’s Role in International Relations: The Democratic and Republican Platforms.” She also wrote a paper examining the U.S.’s proposals for funding the International Criminal Court.
Velasquez conducted research on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) past, present, and future efforts at preventive diplomacy. The purpose of the paper was to study the role of regional organizations within the field of preventive diplomacy. It also examined how the OSCE’s work in conflict prevention contributes to the institutionalization of preventive diplomacy capacities on a national and international level. She also wrote a paper examining statements made by U.N. Missions to the opening of the 51st Session of the General Assembly; the purpose of the paper was to compare how various countries view their engagement with the U.N., what their international priorities are, and how the U.N. helps to fulfill them within a multilateral framework. She attended the U.N. Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) Meeting on the International Criminal Court in New York as WFA’s representative to the Coalition for an International Criminal Court. She also attended House and Senate hearings related to U.S.-U.N. relations.
Current Activities: Velasquez is Senior Manager for Compensation & Retirement at Intelsat.