McKeon is a Program Officer with the International Peace and Security Program at the Carnegie Corporation of New York. He was previously a Senior Program Officer in the Global Nuclear Policy Program at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, where his work involved researching various aspects of nuclear policy and coordinating their Capitol Hill outreach on all things nuclear legislation and hearings. He was also involved with the Global Enterprise initiative, which works to find international common ground on ways to reduce the nuclear threat in tandem with the Non-Proliferation Treaty and other international instruments. In a personal capacity, he ran the “Gin and Atomics” happy hour series, a bi-monthly networking event for young professionals in the nuclear field that features established experts to offer advice on policy and career growth. He was previously a Policy Analyst and the Communications Manager at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and Council for a Livable World. His work focused on arms control, non-proliferation, nuclear threat reduction, the defense budget, and other related policy areas. His work included op-ed writing, factsheet writing, and conducting briefings for Members of Congress and staff. He was previously a Project Coordinator at Potomac Communications Group, where he wrote op-eds, drafted press releases, and crafted media strategies for public, private, and non-profit clients.
James McKeon

Fall 2014 Fellow
Henry L. Stimson Center