Major Fellowship Activities: Groves researched and wrote a monograph entitled “Rebuilding the Future: Child Soldiers and Sustainable Development.” The monograph outlines the challenges associated with and the need for practical and sustainable disarmament programs for child ex-combatants. She also wrote several articles for CDI’s Weekly Defense Monitor, “The Kosovo Liberation Army: Demilitarized or Transformed?” “Protecting Civilians in Somalia,” and “Waging the Peace in Kosovo.” She attended a reception for a psychotherapist from Mozambique who runs an organization devoted to caring for former child soldiers. She also attended a press briefing on Capital Hill on the campaign to increase the international legal age of military service to 18.
Current Activities: Groves worked for Transparency International in Berlin. She was a Robert Bosch Foundation Fellow in September 2002 that allowed her to do two internships, one each in a private and a public institution in Germany. Previously she worked as a Project Manager at the Conflict Prevention Network in Berlin, Germany. CPN is an organization funded by the European Commission which works directly for the European Union institutions. They focus specifically on analyzing and reporting to the EU on conflict prevention issues. Prior to her current position, she worked as a researcher at the Berlin Information Center for Transatlantic Security (BITS) in Berlin, on the issue of the Common European Security and Defense Policy. While at BITS she wrote a research report entitled “The European Union’s Common Foreign, Security, and Defense Policy,” and several Policy Notes including “National Missile Defense: An Issue for the World – But Not for America,” “The True Meaning of Failure” and “National Missile Defense Under Attack.” She co-wrote an article entitled “Europe’s NMD Dilemma” which appears in the Global Beat Syndicate, an on-line publication of the Center for War, Peace, and the News Media at NYU, some of which are distributed by the Knight Ridder/Tribune (KRT) News Service as part of their Op-Ed service. She also wrote two articles which appeared (in translation) in Freitag, a weekly German newspaper: “Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen” about U.S. election politics and the Bush and Gore foreign policies; and an article entitled “Raketenabwehr unter Beschuss.” The article describes the American, European, and Russian points of view on NMD and the significance of the issue for international security. A version of the monograph written during her Fellowship appeared in the National Security Studies Quarterly (Autumn 2000) as “Child Soldiers and the Transition to Peace.”