Schwarzbach worked intimately with a senior ranking delegation of a European government, represented NRDC at meetings with White House officials to discuss G-7 policy, directed a lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill, communicated regularly with the major print media, and drafted a report that received wide circulation within the Clinton Administration.
Current Activities: Schwarzbach is the Chief Financial Officer for Ice Energy. Ice Energy is an energy technology company focused on energy storage and advanced cooling and refrigeration products and technologies. He was previously an Executive Director at Morgan Stanley where he worked with companies to raise capital. Subsequent to his Fellowship he wrote a report entitled “Iran’s Nuclear Program: Energy or Weapons?” After completing his Fellowship, he worked at NRDC as a program associate for nuclear policy. He primarily focused on energy issues in Europe and continued the research he began during his Fellowship.
…When I applied for the Scoville Fellowship, I hoped to find an opportunity to make the transition from grassroots activism to national policy making. The Fellowship provided just that–an introduction to lobbying, the politics of the Executive Branch, the importance of technical information, and most of all the community of people working to stand-down the war economy.