Major Fellowship Activities: Oprava spoke to students and professors at several colleges and universities in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts (Yale, Southern Connecticut State University, University of Rhode Island, Brown, Wellesley and Tufts) on citizen activism in the area of peace and security issues, including the CTBT, UN funding, and NATO expansion. He also attended a conference on student activism in Columbia, South Carolina where he spoke about 20/20 Vision. He attempted to revive “Roots on the Radio,” a program which encourages activists to place telephone calls to talk radio shows on the subject of peace issues. He worked to promote a national call-in day on the CTBT, and wrote his suggestions for improving the program. He also wrote several pieces for the monthly 20/20 Vision legislative update on U.N. funding and NATO expansion and encouraged many of the activists to write letters to their local newspapers on these issues.
Current Activities: Oprava is a writer living and working in Wales. He has published two books of poetry and has a third coming out in summer 2010. He is also completing a PhD in Creative Writing working on a groundbreaking poetry project entitled Once America: 50 expats, 50 interviews, 50 poems, which will be completed in 2011.