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Christina Ellington Arnold

Christina Ellington Arnold
Spring 1999 Fellow
National Security Archive
Christina Ellington Arnold
Spring 1999 Fellow
National Security Archive

Major Fellowship Activities: Ellington conducted research for two projects, U.S. nuclear history and an India-Pakistan nuclear project.  She did background reading on U.S. nuclear weapons policy, U.S.-Soviet relations, India’s perspective on the nuclear issue, and India’s nuclear history.  On both projects she cataloged declassified government documents and worked on chronologies of events. On the India-Pakistan project, she prepared several Freedom of Information Act requests.  She conducted a literature search in order to put together a bibliography of recent publications on India-Pakistan nuclear developments in the 1990s.  For the Nuclear History project, she used government documents dating from 1968 forward to work on the chronology.

Current Activities: Ellington is an analyst with the Federal Government. Prior to her Fellowship she worked at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies on a project entitled “South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Program.”